Update fóra

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Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 1. prosinec 2008, 11:32

V sobotu 6.12.2008 v 9:00 bude fórum vypnuto z důvodu updatu jádra. Pokud se neobjeví nějaké komplikace, tak do půl hodinky zase pojede.

* [Fix] Correctly set topic starter if first post in topic removed (Bug #30575 - Patch by blueray2048)
* [Fix] Added VST - Venezuela Standard Time (Bug #30545).
* [Fix] Close DB connections in file.php.
* [Fix] Correctly return results for nested cached queries (Bug #31445 - Patch by faw).
* [Fix] Allow export of PM pages greater one. (#33155)
* [Fix] Display coloured username of last poster in list of subscribed forums (prosilver).
* [Fix] Do not jump back to page 1 when hiding member search in memberlist. (Bug #32515)
* [Fix] Correctly limit input of the users location to 100 characters in the UCP and ACP. (Bug #32655)
* [Fix] Sync reports when using the move all users posts tool in the ACP. (Bug #31165)
* [Fix] Remove reported flag from shadow topics when closing reports. (Bug #19765)
* [Fix] Do not show non indexed forums on the search page if they contain no subforums. (Bug #33125)
* [Fix] Stop search bots incrementing topic views. (Bug #32675 - Patch by eviL<3)
* [Fix] Use correct link for post author search. (Bug #32595)
* [Fix] Do not decrease topics counter when deleting shadow topics. (Bug #26495)
* [Fix] Send localised disapproval reasons in the recipients local language. (Bug #31645)
* [Fix] Do not display reported topic icon for shadow topics. (Bug #13970)
* [Fix] Expand shown ban reason in unban screen to fully show long entries. (Bug #16234)
* [Fix] Preserve alpha transparency for created thumbnails. (Bug #16575)
* [Fix] Use correct port delimiter for MSSQL connections in windows. (Bug #16615)
* [Fix] Do not allow setting forums parent to the forum itself. (Bug #18855)
* [Fix] Display assigned rank/avatar for guests. (Bug #19155)
* [Fix] Set secure cookie for style switcher if required. (Bug #19625)
* [Fix] Fix native full text search on postgresql while using excluding keyword matches. (Bug #19195)
* [Fix] Pass S_SEARCH_ACTION through append_sid() in search.php. (Bug #21585)
* [Fix] Correctly handle unread status of subforums (that are not shown on the index) of forums that are shown on the index. (Bug #14589)
* [Fix] Stop users from deleting posts after the edit time has passed or they have been locked. (Bug #19115)
* [Fix] Split posts target forum requires 'f_post' now instead of 'm_split'. (Bug #31015)
* [Fix] Use a distinct log message for shadow topic deletions to differentiate between normal topic deletions. (Bug #34635)
* [Fix] Fix problems with styles using an underscore within the filename. (Bug #34315)
* [Fix] Better return links when deleting topics through the MCP. (Bug #34655)
* [Fix] Add quoting support to PM history when composing a reply. (Bug #34285)
* [Fix] Use phpBB 3.1.x method for storing cached data to prevent PHP bug with our usage of var_export(). (Thanks to Techie-Micheal and HoL for pointing out possible problems)
* [Fix] Check users pm preferences for pm's sent to groups. (Bug #33245)
* [Fix] Do not allow password reminders if u_passchg permission is not given. (Bug #14806)
* [Fix] Implemented strict check for cached user permissions and existing ACL options. This fix makes sure cached permissions are valid, even if they got already cached.
* [Fix] Do not show link to user/group profiles if user has no permission to view the linked page and gets a denied message anyway. (Bug #15088)
* [Fix] Do not display last post link and sort display options for search engines. (Bug #15088)
* [Fix] Make sure users still get notifications if they set to only be notified by Jabber, but Jabber service disabled. (Bug #29715 - Patch by Paul)
* [Fix] Don't show forum subscription link on categories. (Bug #34895)
* [Fix] Display a message if no topics or forums are selected when unsubscribing. (Bug #34855)
* [Fix] Mark/unmark all links in UCP now select/unselect both subscribed topics and forums.
* [Fix] Increase board topic counter when splitting topics. (Bug #32125)
* [Fix] Display profile icons when viewing a topic, or PM when only the jabber icon is to be visible. (Bug #34755)
* [Fix] Do not send PMs with warnings if the user cannot read PMs or they are disabled. (Bug #30815)
* [Fix] Correctly convert Niels' Birthday MOD to the date format used in phpBB3. (Bug #32895)
* [Fix] Parse BBCode lists of type square, circle and disc. (Bug #35295)
* [Fix] Round the displayed percentages in polls. (Bug #32375)
* [Fix] Disable mass e-mail when e-mail is disabled. (Bug #27385)
* [Fix] Display coloured poster username of queued posts displayed on the front of the MCP.
* [Fix] Moderators can only see reports/queue/logs from forums they can actually read. (Bug #31085)
* [Fix] Correctly display topic when start parameter is equal to the number of posts.
* [Fix] Correctly display topic in MCP when start parameter is equal to or greater than the number of posts. (Bug #30525)
* [Change] No longer allow the direct use of MULTI_INSERT in sql_build_array. sql_multi_insert() must be used.
* [Change] Display warning in ACP if config.php file is left writable.
* [Change] More restrictive chmod to new files being created. (phpbb_chmod() function mostly by faw)
* [Change] Set headers to allow browsers to better cache attachments (Mylek pointed this out)
* [Change] Hide parameters if they equal the default in viewforum/viewtopic (Bug #31185)
* [Change] Various improvements to group listings (Bugs #32155, #32145, #32085, #26675, #26265)
* [Change] Set headers for IE 8 in file.php
* [Change] Do not count queued posts to user_posts.
* [Change] Allow setting birth year to current year.
* [Change] Do not use the topics posted table when performing an egosearch.
* [Change] Log the forum name that topics are moved into.
* [Change] Automatically add users/groups to the PM recipient list, if entered or selected.
* [Change] Reply to PM now includes all previous recipients and not only the original sender.
* [Change] Make topic selection for merge less confusing by removing unneeded controls. (Bug #21925)
* [Change] MCP topic view checkboxes now default to unchecked.
* [Change] Adjust language key "SPLIT_AFTER" to make the action clearer.
* [Change] Add links to the post and forum when viewing a report from the MCP. (Bugs #33795, #33805)
* [Change] Remove NUL-Bytes directly in request_var() for strings and within the custom DBAL sql_escape() functions (MSSQL, Firebird, Oracle) (reported by AdhostMikeSw)
* [Feature] Allow limited inheritance for template sets.
* [Feature] Allow hard disabling of the template editor.
* [Feature] Allow setting custom language path through $user->set_custom_lang_path(). $user->lang_path now also do not include the user language, but only the path.
* [Feature] Ability to define nullar/singular/plural language entries
* [Feature] Ability to mimic sprintf() calls with $user->lang() with the ability to correctly assign nullar/singular/plural language entries.
* [Feature] Added the possibility to force user posts put in queue if post count is lower than an admin defined value. Guest posting is not affected by this setting.
* [Feature] Added 'max_recipients' setting for private messages. This setting allows admins to define the maximum number of recipients per private message with a board-wide setting and a group-specific setting.
* [Feature] Added new permission setting for sending private messages to groups. Now there are two permissions to define sending private messages to multiple recipients and private messages to groups.
* [Feature] Allow specific connection to different server for jabber functionality by providing a valid JID as username. This also allows the use of talk.google.com as jabber server with gmail.com JIDs. (Bug #14989)
* [Sec Precaution] Stricter validation of the HTTP_HOST header (Thanks to Techie-Micheal et al for pointing out possible issues in derived code)
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Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod Suffocation » 1. prosinec 2008, 12:23

* [Fix] Added VST - Venezuela Standard Time

tohle se bude hodit :D
In pain we trust. In anger we believe. In darkness we abide.

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Dominus Metallum
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Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod Oskar999 » 1. prosinec 2008, 22:07

no jasne! ve Venezuele je velmi mnoho potencionalnich uzivatelu Orbis Metallia: Česko-slovenského fóra o trvdé hudbě :lol:
:headbang: :headbang:
Přísahám věčnou věrnost Umbrtkovi a skartokratickému státnímu zřízení!
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Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod Melville » 2. prosinec 2008, 7:56

Např. Hugo Chávez, že? :-D
Страх - это иллюзия...
- Тëмный Протосский Тамплиер

These violent delights have violent ends...
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Dominus Metallum
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Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 4. prosinec 2008, 18:43

Tak jsem se do toho vrhnul teď.. Fórum vypínat nebudu, ale čekejte možné výpadky nebo chybové hlášky. :)


Tak hotovo! :) Pokud si všimnete nějaké chyby tak prosím hlásit. :)
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Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update - vypnutí galerie

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 6. prosinec 2008, 12:43

Dočasně nefunčkní galerie, aktualizuji ji na novou verzi..
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Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 8. prosinec 2008, 23:05

Galerie opět v provozu! Přibylo pár nových věcí jako slideshow, přehlednější index.. a další. Zkuste si sami. :D
Ovšem během updatu se mi stala nemilá věc. Všechny fotky a komentáře se smazaly. :D Takže jsem je vytahoval ze zálohy, a to má za následek dvě škaredé věci. Za prvé komentáře s diakritikou jsou mrtvé, a za druhé v záloze nebylo poslední album z posledního OM srazu. Abych Vás (Melville a Angel tuším) ušetřil opětovného postupného nahrávání ušetřil, tak mi fotky pošlete a já je tam najednou importuju (pod Vaším uživalteským jménem) - užitečná funkce pro upload vícero fotek, stačí mi je poslat. Např to hodte jako balík na edisk, rapid..atd a poslat link.

// Edit:

Na překladu dělám. :D
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Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod Angel.of.mine » 10. prosinec 2008, 17:09

ty brďo to se bude posílat nejmíň 3 hodiny :D no nicméně ti je pošlu buď v páte večer a nebo pokud se mi bude chtít tak je tam dám
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Re: Update - plánované vypnutí fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 10. prosinec 2008, 17:13

Jak chceš, buď je tam dej nebo mi je pošli a já je tam dám. :)
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Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 17. prosinec 2008, 21:36

Během večera proběhne update fóra, takže pokud se ukážou nějaké výpadky nebo chybové hlášky, nelekejte se.
phpBB 3.0.4 Changelog
* [Fix] Allow mixed-case template directories to be inherited (Bug #36725)
* [Fix] Regression bug from revision #8908 regarding log display in ACP
* [Fix] Allow the UCP group management to work for groups with avatars. (Bug #37375)
* [Fix] Fix header list build for replying oldest PM in PM history (Bug #37275)
* [Fix] Do not display COPPA group in memberlist find member dialog if COPPA disabled (Bug #37175)
* [Fix] Do not try to send jabber notifications if no jid entered (Bug #36775)
* [Fix] Only display special ranks to guests; no longer display normal ranks for guests (Bug #36735)
* [Fix] Properly treat punctuation marks after local urls (Bug #37055)
* [Fix] Make searching for members by YIM address work in prosilver
* [Fix] Tell users to recreate the search index after changing the common word threshold for fulltext_native (Bug #36345)
* [Fix] Adjusted phpbb_chmod() to always set permissions for group bit.
* [Fix] Do not increment users post count after post approval if post had been posted in a forum with no post count increasing set (Bug #37865)
* [Fix] Extend vertical line for last post column if no posts in forum (Bug #37125)
* [Fix] correctly update last topic/forum information if changing guest usernames through editing posts (Bug #38095)
* [Fix] fix postcount resync for situations where low and high post ids are higher than step value, resulting in users having 0 posts. (Bug #38195)
* [Fix] Use a left join for the topics table on search to avoid trouble with FROM syntax on some databases (Bug #37005)
* [Fix] Do not show 'Forward' button if the user cannot send PM's
* [Change] Alllow applications to set custom module inclusion path (idea by HoL)
* [Change] Handle checking for duplicate usernames in chunks (Bug #17285 - Patch by A_Jelly_Doughnut)
* [Change] Better handling and finer control for custom profile fields visibility options. (Patch by Highway of Life)
* [Change] Performance increase for format_date() (Bug #37575 - Patch by BartVB)
* [Change] Changed prosilver date separator from 'on' to '&raquo;'
* [Change] Performance increase for get_username_string() (Bug #37545 - Patch by BartVB)
* [Change] Slight performance increase for common parameter calls to append_sid() (Bug #37555 - Patch by BartVB)
* [Feature] Added 'AGO' setting to relative date strings. For example: posted 14 minutes ago. (Patch by BartVB)
* [Sec] Fixed an issue where deactivated accounts could be re-activated without the required privileges. (Reported by Jorick)
* [Sec] Ask for forum password if post within passworded forum quoted in private message. (Reported by nickvergessen)
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Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod russel » 17. prosinec 2008, 22:53

Ty voe ona už je 3.0.4. To mi něco zase uniklo, holt jsem nebyl pěkně dlouho v administraci :D
Obrázek Obrázek
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Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 17. prosinec 2008, 23:39

Jn cca měsíc po tom co vyšla 3.0.3. :)

// Edit:

Update hotov.
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Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 31. květen 2009, 23:34

Zítra večer nebo v úterý ráno proběhne update fóra na verzi 3.0.5, tak se nelekejte případných chybových hlášek.

phpBB 3.0.5 Changelog
New features and important changes are:
    * Added and refined CAPTCHA options to better protect against new version of CAPTCHA crackers.
    * Added an option to the registration screen to allow users to refresh the displayed CAPTCHA.
    * Performance improvements for native fulltext search.
    * Added a new search option. The admin can define the maximum number of words allowed to search for. This option gives control about the maximum search load.
    * Search indexing should no longer stall for some installations.
    * Conflicting files are able to be downloaded now within the automatic updater for manual inspection.
    * The database updater now checks for an incompatible database schema in case the database version got updated. The admin will be notified about possible solutions and repair scripts.
    * We now set the connection encoding for MySQL versions 4.1.0 to 4.1.2. This may fix some conversion issues with special characters.
    * Language pack authors now see errors/notices within their language pack if they enabled DEBUG_EXTRA.
    * Flash files now display again after update to flash player 10.

Changes since 3.0.4:
    * [Fix] Delete user entry from ban list table upon user deletion (Bug #40015 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Posts incremented for multiple approval of the same topic (Bug #40495 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Missing end " in quote bb tag deletes text (Bug #40565 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Friend/foe system displays posts made by foes while composing (Bug #40325 - Patch by TerraFrost and Highway of Life)
    * [Fix] Check forum_image whether it exists (Bug #39005 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] The sql query in acp_users.php lacks a condition (Bug #40275 - Patch by grimskies)
    * [Fix] Added missing read permission information for some phpbb_chmod() calls
    * [Fix] Correctly display future dates (Bug #38755)
    * [Fix] Fix guest/bot session problems with apache authentication plugin (Bug #41085)
    * [Fix] Whois now works reliably for RIRs other than APNIC and RIPE. (Bug #40085)
    * [Fix] Correctly convert Niels' Birthday MOD to the date format used in phpBB3. (Bug #32895)
    * [Fix] Changed the success message when requesting a new password to be more accurate. (Bug #41405)
    * [Fix] Add missing anti-abuse email headers to acp_inactive.php and ucp_resend.php.
    * [Fix] Only remind users in the correct inactive states depending on the board account activation level.
    * [Fix] Various XHTML mistakes in prosilver, subsilver2 and the ACP. (Bugs #41745, #42265 - Patch by nickvergessen, #38465, #43015)
    * [Fix] Log password changes via password reset function. (Bug #41365)
    * [Fix] Poll, negative durations generate error (Bug #41295 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Visibility of custom field on registration is incorrectly controlled by setting "display" (Bug #41385 - Patch by Eelke and fade2gray)
    * [Fix] Smilies in username are misparsed on [quote=""] (Bug #41955 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Deleting all posts in a topic - bad redirect (Bug #41705 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Deleted users still appear logged in (Bug #41985 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Removed redundant code and unnecessary queries in forum management. (Bug #42265 - Patch by nickvergessen)
    * [Fix] Correct mbstring regular expression for the allowable username characters, only affects USERNAME_LETTER_NUM_SPACERS. (Bug #42325)
    * [Fix] Fix infinite loop in message handler if cache directory is not writable. (Bug #38675)
    * [Fix] While post is awaiting approval it can still be edited even though it can not be seen (Bug #41435 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Fix imageset editing for retaining and correctly setting dimensions for images, as well as displaying correct settings for first page load.
    * [Fix] Use OS-specific line endings for mail headers. (related to Bug #42755)
    * [Fix] Hide font size options which are bigger than the allowed size in the editor. (Bug #42615 - Patch by nickvergessen)
    * [Fix] Better thumbnail quality with imagemagick. (Bug #42565)
    * [Fix] Fix download count increments for image attachments without corresponding thumbnails. (Bug #42505)
    * [Fix] Fix wrong bot ip check if bot ip was wrongly entered by admin. (Bug #42485)
    * [Fix] Fix javascript errors in simple header (prosilver) by adding forum_fn.js and the corresponding variables. (Bug #42135)
    * [Fix] Set connection encoding for MySQL versions 4.1.0 to 4.1.2. This may fix some conversion issues with special characters. (Bug #41805)
    * [Fix] Deleting private message attachments could delete post attachments. (Bug #42815)
    * [Fix] Do not suppress PHP notices/errors in language packs if DEBUG_EXTRA mode enabled. (Bug #41485)
    * [Fix] Flash files do not display anymore after update to flash player 10 (Bug #41315)
    * [Fix] Use FQDN for SMTP EHLO/HELO command. (Bug #41025)
    * [Fix] Mass Email works again for users with empty jabber address but notification set to 'both'. (Bug #39755)
    * [Fix] Fix race condition for updating post/topic/etc. counter. (Reported by BartVB)
    * [Fix] Fix duplicate creation of acl options in acl_add_options() under certain conditions. (Bug #38385, #40225)
    * [Fix] Cancel when replying to global announcement redirects to first forum - not to the current forum (Bug #41225 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Cursor Jumps on New Topic in IE (Bug #42455 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Add indicator to be used in code if session was created (user visits the site for the first time).
    * [Fix] Correctly count topic views for guests visiting the website the first time by entering the topic directly (Bug #43445)
    * [Fix] Fix bug in postgresql db layer for LIMIT ALL clauses (Reported by JRSweets)
    * [Fix] Sort backups by date, newest first (Bug #14818)
    * [Fix] Prevent incomplete backups stored if option "store and download" is selected and admin cancel download by removing the option. (Bug #20325)
    * [Fix] Enforce correct case for template variables
    * [Fix] Set topic_last_view_time on post/reply/edit to circumvent race conditions in auto prune and false removal of topics for manual forum prune (Bug #18055, #43515)
    * [Fix] Correctly split long subject lines according to the used RFC. This fixes extra spaces within long subjects. (Bug #43715)
    * [Fix] Fix skipping messages if using next/prev PM in history links. (Bug #22205)
    * [Fix] Messenger now also able to use a custom language path. (Bug #36545)
    * [Fix] PM Export uses ISO 8601 date now. (Bug #32645)
    * [Fix] Apply append_sid() to newest/latest post links in viewforum/search and UCP main module. (Bug #26815)
    * [Fix] Do not create thumbnail if thumbnail would've the same size as the original image. (Bug #30725)
    * [Fix] Ability to vote in poll is now required for the ability to change existing vote. (Bug #38925)
    * [Fix] Search for 'topic title only' and 'first post' should work again for non-mysql dbms. (Bug #40605)
    * [Fix] Make sure additional information for accessibility is always exposed to screen readers (Bug #44335 - Patch by MarcoZ)
    * [Fix] Approving a topic when some of the posts within that topic have already been approved (Bug #42585 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Online status shown when post hidden (Bug #35505 - Patch by Raimon)
    * [Fix] memberlist.php display formating can be distorted by posting long URL for website (Bug #36675 - Patch by TerraFrost)
    * [Fix] Display the online status of hidden users to users with the u_viewonline permission when viewing PMs.
    * [Fix] "Select all" selects much too much in Opera (Bug #42885 - Patch by TerraFrost and ToonArmy)
    * [Fix] Correct calculation of source/target forum statistics if mass moving topics with global announcements (Bug #44545)
    * [Fix] Fix column handling in db updater, custom profile fields and db tools for firebird DBMS (Bug #44555)
    * [Fix] IE8 textarea issues (Bug #43305)
    * [Fix] Prevent accounts from being activated by users when admin activation is turned on and the correct activation key is known.
    * [Fix] Allow the installer to operate under PHP 5.3. (Bug #45255)
    * [Change] Default difference view is now 'inline' instead of 'side by side'
    * [Change] Added new option for merging differences to conflicting files in automatic updater
    * [Change] Add link to user profile in the MCP for user notes and warn user.
    * [Change] Add IN_PHPBB check to generated cache files. (Reported by bantu)
    * [Change] Add topic icons to prosilver UCP main and subscribed templates (Bug #42735 - Patch by Raimon)
    * [Change] Add unique key to ACL options table to prevent duplicate permission options. (Bug #41835)
    * [Change] Redirect to relevant MCP page of multi-page topic if accessing quickmod tools (Split option for example)
    * [Change] Performance improvements for native fulltext search (Patch by Paul)
    * [Change] Changed jumpto() JS function to be more fail-safe. (But #27635 - Patch by peterkclee)
    * [Feature] Added new options for visual confirmation.
    * [Feature] Allow download of conflicting file for later reference in automatic updater
    * [Feature] Allow translation of custom BBCode help messages. (Patch by bantu)
    * [Feature] db_tools now support create table and drop table.
    * [Feature] Database updater checks for incompatible db schema (MySQL 3.x/4.x against MySQL 4.1.x/5.x/6.x)
    * [Feature] New search option: Maximum number of words allowed to search for.
    * [Sec] Only use forum id supplied for posting if global announcement detected. (Reported by nickvergessen)
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Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
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Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 1. červen 2009, 23:08

Update hotov. Vyskytly se tu nějaké problémy s polem v profilu (youtube, facebook, atd), na opravě dělám. Kdyby jste narazili na další chyby, hlásit tu.

//Edit: Výše zmíněný problém vyřešen.
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Pohlaví: Muž Muž
Věk: 36
Bydliště: Vizovice
Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 19. listopad 2009, 14:30

Během dnešního večera (počítám někdy mezi 21:00 - 00:00) bude probíhat update fóra na dlouho očekávanou verzi 3.0.6. Jedná se o velký update, s čímž můžou nastat komplikace, takže se nelekejte případných chyb a výpadků. :)

Seznam hlavních novinek:
Skrytý obsah
  • Better captcha options and backported 3.2 captcha plugins:
    • Classic and GD CAPTCHA
    • reCaptcha (based on API from recaptcha.net by Mike Crawford and Ben Maurer)
    • 3D Wave (by Robert "Xore" Hetzler)
  • Introduced new ACM (Cache) plugins. (Please consult our support forums for help if you need to use one of the new ACM plugins)
    • null (to disable caching completely)
    • memcache
    • APC
    • XCache
    • eAccelerator
  • ATOM Feeds
  • Bare-bones Quick Reply editor in viewtopic
  • Users can report PMs to moderators which are then visible in a new MCP module
  • Ability to copy permissions from one forum to several other forums.
  • Send anonymous statistical information to phpBB on installation and update (optional)

Seznam dalších novinek
Skrytý obsah
* Add language selection to the registration terms page. (Patch by leviatan21)
* New groups option to excempt group leaders from group permissions (allows leading groups having NEVER permissions).
* New "Newly Registered Users" group for assigning permissions to newly registered users. They will be removed from this group once they reach a defineable amount of posts.
* Ability to define if the "Newly Registered Users" group will be assigned as the default group to newly registered users.
* Add new option to disable avatars board-wide. (Patch by cYbercOsmOnauT and nickvergessen)
* Add unapproved topic icon for moderators on forum list.
* Ability to define minimum number of characters for posts/pms.
* Detect if a post has been altered by someone else while editing.
* Add unread posts quick search option.
* Add option to disable avatar uploads from remote locations.
* Ability to delete warnings and keep warnings permanently.
* Ability to empty a user's outbox from the user ACP quick tools.
* Ability to search ACP/MCP logs.
* Parse email text files with the template engine.
* Added new functionality to inactive users module:
  • Ability to set users per page.
  • Ability to sort by posts/number of reminders/last reminded date.
  • Show number of posts and ability to search posts.
  • Show number of reminders sent to user.
  • Show date of last reminder sent to user.
* Display version check on ACP main page.
* Ability to control the display of custom profile fields on viewtopic.
* Fallback options for missing language files. (Patch by EXreaction)
* Separate PM Reply and PM Reply to all in prosilver.
* Place debug notices during captcha rendering in the error log - useful for debugging output already started errors.
* Ability to define constant PHPBB_USE_BOARD_URL_PATH to use board url for images/avatars/ranks/imageset (useful for bridges and applications using phpBB).
* Style authors are now able to define the default submit button used for form submission on ENTER keypress on forms using more than one submit button. Prosilver uses this for the posting page(s) and registration screen.
* Ability to specify amount of time user is able to delete his last post in topic.

Seznam dalších drobných změn
Skrytý obsah
* Change the data format of the default file ACM to be more secure from tampering and have better performance.
* Template engine now permits variable includes to a limited extent.
* Quote BBCode no longer requires the f_reply permission.
* Banning/unbanning users now generates an entry in their user notes.
* Smilies no longer require the f_bbcode permission.
* Hide avatar when avatar-type is not allowed.
* INCLUDEPHP paths are now relative to $phpbb_root_path.
* "Post details" links with image in MCP.
* PM history now only shows PMs of users you currently reply to.
* Show quote button for own PMs in PM history.
* Add pagination for icons and smilies in the ACP and smilies in the smiley popup.
* Changed minimum requirement for Firebird DBMS from 2.0+ to 2.1+.
* Unapproved topics can no longer be replied to.
* Allow three-digit hex notation in Color BBcode.
* Simplified login_box() and redirection after login. S_LOGIN_ACTION can now be used on every page.
* Resize oversized topic icons.
* Banned IPs are now sorted.
* phpBB updater now skips sole whitespace/tab changes while computing differences. This reduces the chance of conflicts tremendously.
* phpBB updater now solves common conflicts on its own. This further reduces the chance of conflicts.
* Database updater now supports checking for existing/missing indexes.

Seznam opravených bugů
Skrytý obsah
* Show error in the ACP when template folder is not readable.
* Correctly apply the can change vote permission again. Regression introduced in r9470.
* Remove data from friend/foe table when deleting user.
* Fix dynamic config update routine error if firebird is used
* Fix saving custom profile fields in ACP if Oracle is used.
* Make view_log() more resilient to corrupt serialized data.
* Fix Oracle database backup and restore.
* Update attachments table when deleting user and retaining his posts.
* Correctly detect files in subfolders when viewing cached template files.
* Do not throw an error when PDO is a shared module and not loaded preventing SQLite from being loaded.
* Fix censoring of unicode words.
* Do not remove recipients when loading private message draft.
* Fix database updater and db tools to support multiple column changes/additions/removals with SQLite.
* Posting smilies in view more smilies screen now works again in IE. (Patch by leviatan21)
* Add ability to prune users who never logged in.
* Fail gracefully if store folder is not writable during update.
* Fix error with disapproval of topics having several queued posts only.
* Preserve newlines in template files.
* Be less strict with FTP daemons when getting directory filelists.
* Fix set_custom_template for database-stored styles.
* Do not send private message back to sender if sender is in the same group the private message was sent to.
* Min/max characters per posts no longer affects poll options.
* Do not try to create thumbnails for images we cannot open properly.
* Apply locale-independent basename() to attachment filenames. New function added: utf8_basename(). (Patch by ocean=Yohsuke)
* Adjust build_url() to not prepend $phpbb_root_path if path returned from redirect() is an URL. This fixes redirect issues with some installations and bridges.
* Fix general error in registration, caused by an undefined $config variable in validate_referer(). (Patch by wjvriend)
* Correctly extract column default value when exporting PostgreSQL tables..
* Allow updater to work correctly with PHP filename extensions other than ".php".
* Update search index if only post subject changed.
* Prevent style switcher from blocking the tab key.
* Fix email problems on servers with PHP installations not accepting RFC-compliant subject string passed to the mail()-function.
* Only embed cron.php if there is no cron lock present to reduce overhead. (Patch by TerryE)
* Send activation email when activating user from user settings.
* Correctly display underlined links placed in last line in viewtopic. (Patch by primehalo)
* Only check whether forum image exists if forum image is specified.
* Fixed database updater for changes to columns having default value in MSSQL (adding/dropping constraints).
Uživatelský avatar
Pohlaví: Muž Muž
Věk: 36
Bydliště: Vizovice
Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 19. listopad 2009, 23:21

ZMĚNA - čeká se na slovenský překlad, řekže update je odložen na neznámo kdy (počítám do konce týdne).
Poznámka: byla odebrána funkce "quick reply", po udpatu tu bude přímo oficiální (to co tu bylo do teď byla modifikace).
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Pohlaví: Muž Muž
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Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 26. listopad 2009, 13:34

Update bude proveden dnes večer cca od 21h. Fórum bude po tuto dobu vypnuté..
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Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 27. listopad 2009, 1:06

Změna, nějak nestíhám.. Update bude v sobotu.. :)
Uživatelský avatar
Pohlaví: Muž Muž
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Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 28. listopad 2009, 15:11

Update hotov.. pokud by jste narazili na nějakou chybu, hlásit prosím zde..
Dnes se zde mimo jiné ještě objeví pár nových funkcí a pokud to stihnu, tak i slíbené zimní překvapení. :)
Uživatelský avatar
Pohlaví: Muž Muž
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Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj

Re: Update fóra

Příspěvekod sheVcza » 5. březen 2010, 12:37

Fórum bylo aktualizováno na verzi. 3.0.7. Pokud narazíte na nějakou chybu, dejte vědět. :)


Minor feature additions to phpBB 3.0.7

* You can now see private forums in your ATOM feeds using HTTP authentication by passing the GET parameter "auth=http".
* The INTTEXT token was added to custom BBCodes to allow for non-ASCII letters in html attributes.
* You can now enable quick reply in all forums with a single click.

Small functionality changes in phpBB 3.0.7

* Warn users about potentially dangerous BBcodes.
* Forum feed no longer includes posts of subforums.
* Speed up topic move operation by adding an index for topic_id on the topics track table. (Bug #56545)
* Move redirect into a hidden field to avoid issues with mod_security. (Bug #54145)
* Log user activations through inactive users ACP. (Bug #30145)
* Alter ACP user quick tools interface to reduce confusion with the delete operation.
* Show a proper preview for the Q&A CAPTCHA. (Bug #56365)
* Send time of last item instead of current time in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #53305)
* Split "All topics" feed into "New Topics" and "Active Topics" feeds.
* It is no longer possible to persist a solution for the login CAPTCHA.
* Friends and foes will not show up as private message rule options if their respective UCP modules are disabled. (Bug #51155)
* Offer for guests to log in for egosearch and unreadposts search before the search permissions check. (Bug #51585)

A list of important bugfixes since phpBB 3.0.6

* Allow ban reason and length to be selected and copied in ACP and subsilver2 MCP. (Bug #51095)
* Correctly set last modified headers. (Bug #54245, thanks Paul.J.Murphy)
* Make word censoring case insensitive. (Bug #54265)
* Fulltext-MySQL search for keywords and username at the same time. (Bug #54325)
* Various XHTML and CSS mistakes in prosilver and subsilver2. (Bugs #54705, #55895, #57505, #57875 - Patch by HardStyle)
* Cleanly handle forum/topic not found in ATOM Feeds. (Bug #54295)
* PHP 5.3 compatibility: Check if function dl() exists before calling it. (Bug #54665)
* PHP 5.3 compatibility: Disable E_DEPRECATED on startup to keep set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) quiet. (Bug #54495)
* Correctly replace table prefix before inserting schema data into the database. (Bug #54815)
* Use memcache::replace() instead of memcache::set() for existing keys to prevent problems.
* Check for required functions in eAccelerator. (Bug #54465)
* Use correct RFC 3339 date format in ATOM feed. (Bug #55005)
* Do not deliver topics from unreadable or passworded forums in the news feed. (Bug #54345)
* Restore user language choice to compiled stylesheets. (Bug #54035)
* Do not permit unauthorised users to delete private messages from folder listing. (Bug #54355)
* Handle export of private messages where all recipients were deleted. (Bug #50985)
* Add ability to disable overall (aka board-wide) feed.
* Do not pass new_link parameter when creating a persistent connection with mysql. (Bug #55785)
* Improved search query performance through sorting words by their occurance. (Bug #21555)
* Strictly check whether a moderator can post in the destination forum when moving topic. (Bug #56255)
* Do not unsubscribe users from topics replying with quickreply. (Bug #56235)
* Don't submit when pressing enter on preview button. (Bug #54395)
* Load reCAPTCHA over https when using a secure connection to the board. (Bug #55755)
* Don't send activation email when user tries to change email without permission. (Bug #56335 - Fix by nrohler)
* Correctly orientate quoted text image on RTL languages. (Bug #33745)
* Fall back to default language email template if specified file does not exist. (Bug #35595)
* Database updater now separates ADD COLUMN from SET NOT NULL and SET DEFAULT, when using PostgreSQL <= 7.4 (Bug #54435)
* Styles adjustment to correctly display an order of rtl/ltr mixed content. (Bugs #55485, #55545)
* Do not store email templates in database. (Bug #54505)
* Fix problems with firebird by no longer using 'count' as a column alias. (Bug #57455)
* Make user_email_hash() function independent from system's architecture. (Bug #57755)
* Global announcements could not be accessed on a board using Firebird as the database server. (Bug #57525)
* Do not delete unrelated attachments when deleting empty forums. (Bug #57375)
* Update process: Store expected resulting file contents in cache and do not suggest further merges if the contents match, also fixes infinite merge loop (Bug #54075)
Uživatelský avatar
Pohlaví: Muž Muž
Věk: 36
Bydliště: Vizovice
Příspěvky: 4669
Blog: Zobrazit blog (6)
Registrován: 16. listopad 2007, 20:09
Aktivní v kapele: Vyzj


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